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SuitePro-G by IQar built to integrate Microsoft Teams!

The pandemic situation has strongly affected both human and businesses.

It underlines three important facts :

  • Organizations must be ready for remote work technically and technologically.

  • We need to move towards a new way of managing theTeams-cial” distancing.

  • The recovery has turned pre-covid-19 projects upside down and many unplanned, barely framed projects has been set!In this situation of new common practice, it is necessary to restart/reorganize processes

On the first point to solve access management and IT safety issues, #Teams, the Office 365 tool dedicated to teamwork has taken a huge place.

The #Microsoft platform has even become the global benchmark for remote collaborative work!

On the second point, it was often necessary to set up remote work without any preparation time. In fact, organizations have undergone a change in working patterns. Their needs to exchange properly within a team or a project is becoming increasingly important.

Managerial distancing rises posture, involvement and productivity issues. Employees can be stuck with these problems and some managers are very frighten about it.

The third point can be understood in different ways by the board of directors. Some may see it as an opportunity for a fresh start, so they accelerate their transformations: many projects!

Others see growth opportunity and explore new markets, new customers: many projects as well!

What if the management of your projects was managed in a pragmatic, methodological and collaborative way on a single tool?

PPM software #SuitePro-G invites itself on Teams!

When the method structures the tool!

#IQar, publisher of the PPM solution #SuitePro-G has developed a #Microsoft Teams connectorto simplify project management and make project stakeholders involvement easier.

Regardless of the size of your organization or the project you are managing, SuitePro-G is well known to be a successful project management and governance tool. SuitePro-G facilitate the development of methodological good practices and support your corporate governance.

With its #Microsoft Teams connector, SuitePro-G provides a useful solution to the “Teams-ciale” distancing, by gathering all the stakeholders digitally on the circumstances of the coronavirus recovery.

As a result, several inherent challenges to project management and governance software are answered:

  • In the framing phase, project owners and project sponsors benefit from a proximity to exchange, structure and debate ideas on Microsoft Teams.

  • In the planning phase, the project manager and contributors align themselves easily through sustained collaboration and formalized commitments.

  • In the implementation phase, stakeholders benefit from reminder notifications on which actions to start and which ones to close. The Project Manager have details on the news, the progress and the performance of the project.

  • In the closing and appraisal phase, the experience feedback about the Microsoft Teams exchanges benefits from the SuitePro-G appreciation.

From a managerial point of view, there is a link between communication and productivity !

Simplifying your projects management is tempting, isn't it ?

The #Microsoft Teams by #SuitePro-G connector has been officially released early July 2020 and was offer free of charge to all of our customers and the new ones until the end of September 2020.

If you want to have a pragmatic, methodological and collaborative project management software built to integrate the very famous platform #MicrosoftTeams, ask for our SuitePro-G demo.

#IQar, Software Publisher for over 10 years, is a Pure Project Player.

Innovation and user experience are an integral part of IQar's DNA, with a strong will: to be a main actor in the digital transformation of the PPM.

"Because the world of digital and collaborative tools is booming, it fosters the digital transformation of businesses. #IQar has the ambition to deploy other Microsoft Teams connectors by 2021. This ambition is driven by the aim of offering vehicle of performance for businesses and organizations."

Stéphanie Germain,

co-founder of IQar and Certified Professional Coach.

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